Our Success Stories
in a little more detail...
Disappointed with their conversion rate on their current website, despite pouring money into Google Ads they asked me to take a look.
I hope they didn't mind honesty...
What I found a very "shouty", hard to navigate website, crucial info was hidden behind links, nowhere did it say these guys are meticulous in their quality & workmanship - you WANT THESE GUYS to build your store!
The bright orange buttons everywhere, and the scrolling testimonials at the top did nothing for their SEO (Google wants to know about you in the very first section of your home page, not go searching for it)
So, we went to work with a fresh new Wix website, and this is where the marketing part of Maloo comes in.
Together we focused on what set them apart from other shopfitters, what they stood for...and above all what they can offer someone who is looking for a shopfitter.
With limited imagery we used a few lifestyle photos to build their brand story, but the words are all theirs...along with the new look gallery.
A lot of time was spent working on their SEO before we even started so we could build it in to all the elements - alt text on images, their text, page meta descriptions etc
the starting point...

and after the rebrand...
A new look that says
their new tag line.
....the key points you want when looking for a shopfitter
New colours, logo, imagery and a re-invented brand ready ready to showcase what the team can do.
they now have SEO that's working.
They are climbing the organic Google rankings and the number of visits and enquiries are growing everyday.
We have also taken over their Google ads account utilising all the elements and keywords researched in the beginning and the number of enquires in the last 2 months are more than they had in the previous 6 months! ...and it's still early days!
I'm thrilled to be part of this team.